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Ragn-Sells are Sweden’s foremost expertise in recycling and the environment. Since 1966, we’ve been involved in waste management, environmental services and recycling. Ragn-Sells AB collect, treat and recycle waste and residual products from businesses, organizations and households throughout Sweden.
RecondConcept involves a holistic approach that starts with an analysis of the system. Thereafter a suitable treatment is compiled to optimize the system using chemical cleaning with environmentally friendly chemicals. After completion of cleaning, we can also treat the water in order to maintain efficiency for a long time and help the client to maintain control over the system.
Recyctec is a Swedish based, publicly listed cleantech company specialised in recycling of glycol, both monoethylene glycol and monopropylene glycol. The company has developed our own unique method and process, that is operating on a full industrial scale. The operation is carried out in Recyctec’s own plant in Jönköping, where the products are blended, formulated and packed.