Using just air and locally produced electricity, our (H)unit® efficiently disinfects and cleans air, materials, and water throughout its entire lifespan.
PBS™ Generation, which is the brand under Pure Bio Synergy Sweden AB, offers a revolutionary product designed for disinfection and water purification in challenging and humid outdoor environments, even when off the grid. It is called the (H)unit™.
The (H)unit™ significantly reduces the costs and environmental impacts associated with disinfection and water purification. It also extends these capabilities to previously inaccessible areas, such as remote and harsh outdoor environments where traditional solutions were not feasible.
PBS™ helps companies enhance their overall system performance and achieve better results while cutting down maintenance, energy consumption, chemical usage, and water consumption.
Our (H)unit™ is unique in that it can utilize ambient air, irrespective of humidity levels. While dry air (oxygen) generates ozone, our system truly excels with moist and humid air. To optimize performance, we occasionally introduce humidity to the air when its natural moisture content is insufficient (specific humidity).
This distinction sets our product apart from conventional ozone generators, and it is made possible by our patented reactor cell (patent numbers: SE 540593, EP 3563643, US 11096267, IN 384897).