Welcome to a Nordic Startup Night at the Nordic Innovation House in Palo Alto!

Join the Nordic Innovation House and the Swedish Energy Agency for an evening with promising startups pitching their businesses!

The night will consist of promising Nordic’ startups active in the energy sector presenting their business and getting feedback from promising investors actively investing in their field.

Relevant industry actors will be personally invited to the event, making it a great networking opportunity for startups active in the field.

Sign up here.


Magnus Ryde, Partner, Spirit Ventures

Keynote speakers

Eric Vettel Phd, President, American Energy Society

The Startups

  • Organofuel Sweden AB
  • Spotscale AB
  • Kasi Technologies
  • Cargospace24
  • Ztractor

… and more to come

The Host

The Swedish Energy Agency have since many years back had a market entry program, Cleantech Hub, for Swedish Energy innovations who can scale their business in specific international markets. This year’s batch for the market entry program includes five companies with interesting solutions for a more sustainable energy system and society – out of which you will meet four at this event.

The Nordic Innovation House has as an addition to these five startups invited relevant startups from their members and their network.