Konvex AB collects and treats animal and vegetable by-products by sterilisation and through the Biomal process.
Kuusakoski AB
Kuusakoski Recycling is an international recycling services company.
Leosol energi AB
Leosol can help you with energy declarations, energy audits, build permit calculations and logging of different energy statistics.
Liselotte Lööf Miljö AB
Liselotte Lööf AB offers products and services in the fields of waste management, street cleaning and construction contracting.
Make It Green Solutions AB
“Our Vision is to improve the quality of life for people who live in developing countries” through provision of Biochar cookstoves, Biochar water filters and affordable means of electrification (charging of phones and light).
Malmberg Water AB
Malmberg is a clean-tech company with a global focus on pure energy, clean water in the field of biogas, water treatment and geoenergy.
Marklund Solutions AB
Marklund Solutions AB, established in 2014, is a consultancy dedicated to customised energy solutions that are both green and profitable for companies that produce or consume large amounts of energy.
MEAB Metallextraktion AB
MEAB is originally founded in 1970 and active in the hydrometallurgical field
Mercatus Egineering AB
Mercatus has Europe’s broadest programme for the purification of coolants, oily water, dye water, washwater, condensation and water from biological purification.
MGE-Teknik AB
MGE-Teknik AB is a company that concentrate on landfill gas sites.
MgNova Digital Technologies AB
Meganova (MgNova) pioneers sustainability services and consistently delivers business value with the latest technology.