When the whole world is on its toes to think new and innovative with sustainable smart solutions, of course the Vansbro company Monark Exercise is ready to deliver. Through their specially designed transport bicycles for delivering packages, they have received PostNord as a customer. – This agreement is extremely valuable to us and makes cargo bikes our main product in the future, says Daniel Mäkinen, CEO of Monark Exercise in Vansbro.

E-commerce and customers’ interest in sustainability have accelerated the development of digital mail handling. Much of the post’s previous transports have been digitized.

– Not least the pandemic has caused e-commerce to explode and led to a huge demand for cargo bikes for the delivery of packages right to the door. At the same time, an increased interest in sustainability has also led to fossil-fueled vehicles becoming less interesting in the city centers, Mäkinen continues.

Optimism prevails at the company in Vansbro, which sees a great future need for more environmentally friendly vehicles for parcel deliveries in cities and more densely populated areas.

– If you look ten years ahead in time, we expect a need for one million smart transport bikes in Europe. And in Sweden we see a need for 25-30,000 cargo bikes.

With its Monark Cargo business area, Monark Exersice has long been active in the “last mile delivery” concept, where the goods are unloaded at a center outside the city, repackaged and then delivered smart and sustainable to the city customer. Not least internationally, it is crowded in the city centers and makes it impossible for courier cars to get around and park. Here the cargo bikes are perfect!

Daniel Mäkinen also sees the large market that is opening up in addition to the transport companies’ parcel deliveries.

Municipal home care and property managers are new customers. A test is now also done with the company Bauhaus where the customer can easily borrow a cargo bike to transport the goods home.

 – Customers place higher and higher demands on sustainability and smart solutions and it is important for us suppliers to keep up, says Daniel! We are ready to deliver smart mobile solutions both to Swedish customers and internationally!