Munters creates optimized indoor climate solutions for customers worldwide.
Mölnbacka Industri AB
Mölnbacka Industri has developed an innovative process for the control of Volatile Organic Compound, VOC, emissions from industrial processes.
Naturcentrum AB
Naturcentrum AB is a environmental consultant firm focused on the areas of environment and nature conservation.
The clean air company – protecting people, planet and production from harmful effects of industrial processes
Norrlandsjord och Miljö AB
Norrlandsjord och Miljö AB produces soil by composting and sell soil, sand, peat, bark and fertilizers etc.
Norups Gård AB
Norups Gård AB develops and manufactures vegetable oils for the production of bio fuels and other technical products.
Noxon AB
Noxon manufactures and sell decanter centrifuges and polymer machines. These are used to separate liquid from a product in order to facilitate product handling.
Ocab i Stockholm AB
Ocab i Stockholm are a part of Ocab-Group which offers services against water and fire damages across Sweden.
Ocab i Sundsvall AB
Ocab i Sundsvall are a part of Ocab-Group which offers services against water and fire damages across Sweden.
Oden Control AB
Oden Control develops and distributes products based on unique gear techniques and focus on three main product fields; electric actuators, valve solutions and industrial gears.
Opsis AB
Opsis offers systems for measuring air quality and emissions as well as for controlling processes.
Ozone Tech Systems AB
Ozone Tech Systems OTS AB offers intelligent and innovative solutions for air and water treatment.