Seleko AB offers industry-specific solutions for humidification, dehumidification, cooling, heating, venturiventiler and drinking water coolers for industrial, office and retail space.
Styrvärden Q AB
Styrvärden Q AB plans, constructs and programs control units for buildings.
Swegon Operations AB
Swegon AB manufactures of air distribution products, waterborne indoor climate systems, air handling units and products for acoustics and flow control
Systemair AB
Systemair is a manufacturer of ventilation products founded 1974.
TermoDeck AB
TermoDeck is a low energy HVAC system using the thermal mass of the building. A study made for Saudi Arabia showed a saving of USD 8.6 billion during a 15-year period in the power sector.
TRN Värmepumpar AB
Thorén Värmepumpar AB develops and market heat pumps and related equipment for households and industrial applications
Voccleaning Sweden AB
Process control Equipment of VOC organic compounds such as styrene, ethanol etc. and odours. Type of filters is activated carbon, bio filter, catalytic filters.
ÅSS-Processventilation AB
Åss Processventilation handles your dust problems using simple solutions for handling dust, woodchips and shavings.