Sunsurf Solar produces floating solar modules that can be installed on dams or lakes, saving land, prevents water evaporation and increases the solar panel efficiency through the natural cooling and reflection from the water.
When solar panels become too hot, the system efficiency quickly plummets. By placing solar panels above water, such as dams or lakes, the solar panels stays efficient and can also save water by decreasing evaporation, at the same time.
Sunsurf’s modules do not take up any valuable land, as they are placed on irrigation ponds that already exist on many farms around the world, as well as on other types of artifical water surfaces. The number of irrigation ponds are expected to increase in the coming decades, due to climate change and food security problems.
The floating solar panels can be placed in irrigation ponds, reservoirs, dams, and streams up to six meters deep, making it a suitable solution for waters that fluctuate in height and width.