IKP Nord Vattenvård comprises consulting and educational activities, as well as sales of water treatment systems and components.
Use of untreated water in the industry often leads to deposits and corrosion in the systems. These problems can be avoided by cleaning and treating the systems. Thereby, the customer achieves lower operational and maintenance costs.
IKP Nord Vattenvård offers complete industrial water treatment solutions. Water treatment is available within the areas: cooling water, boiler water, water treatment and object & system cleaning.
Reduced enviromental impact
IKP Nord Vattenvård always works closely with the customer. Their motto is that the more knowledge a customer has, the better the cooperation. IKP Nord continuously works with knowledge transfer. A close cooperation with the customer also improves the controlling of the plants, which results in an increased lifespan as well as reduced environmental impact. IKP Nord Vattenvård works continuously with the company’s environmental goals